Remember those glorious Betty Crocker Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip cookies I made? Well.. These are somewhat similar.
After going on a hunt for gluten-free pizza crusts at Whole Foods today I came across some gluten-free chocolate chip cookie mix ON SALE! So naturally I snatched it up. When I got it in the car I thought "hey let's compare and contrast with Betty Crocker's gluten-free chocolate chip mix". And that is what I am going to do.
At just about $3.50 (on sale at Whole Foods) this mix is decent for its price. It's all natural all organic free range cage free dairy nuts allergen free, whatever etc. It only calls for an egg and 2 TBS of butter (or oil) which is ridiculously easy (even for someone who is out of butter).
Aside from the grittiness, not enough chips, and the way they didn't come out so pretty, they weren't awful. If they were still on sale and I happened to be at Whole Foods sure I'd grab them. I'd give them a second chance.
Last long weekend my parents took a mini vacation leaving me the house to myself and a completely empty refrigerator. On one hand I had the house to myself on the other I had no food. When I have no food I try to think of the most economical way to feed myself. It usually comes down to one describing word and three ingredients: Pizza. Pepperoni, olives, mushrooms. Since this was a special weekend (I had a Saturday off and the house to myself) I decided to peruse the aisles of the (not so) local Whole Foods for a special treat: gluten-free pizza crust. Luckily it was relatively cheap ($4 and change for two frozen crusts) or I wouldn't have been eating that weekend.
My thoughts on this Thursday?
It didn't taste any different than a normal glutenous pizza crust. It came out perfectly crispy and delicious. It is definitely a buy again.
This is actually a product I've thought about a bit. It beats. It scrapes. It is like having a rubber scraper scrape the bowl down for you while it's still beating. While it's a great concept, it isn't the most budget friendly item. Especially for a recent grad who still is looking for a job in the real world and not in a mall. I think half the fun is scraping out the bowl anyway because whatever I can't scrape I can shove in my face.