Have to write a 5 page paper. I'm currently experiencing a severe case of writer's block.
What's with everyone being a jerk to me this week? I've been told I'm a likable person. I also like to think I'm a likable person.
I've been having a string of awesome workouts. I think it has everything to do with being incredibly frustrated with people.
I've been wanting to escape to Paris again. It's my favorite place in the world. It feels like home.
I prefer to have bangs. My hair is incredibly unruly and I have to put my bangs in their place everyday, but I still like like them and so does my forehead.
My glasses are falling of my nose. I think they have always done this.
I spend a lot of time reading/writing tweets. I blame this on the twitter app i have on my pod.
My blog has been neglected. So has my camera. This week has been hectic and I'll get back into the swing of things soon.
Yesterday class had practice for our sustainability event. Our department wants to share with the community how they can prepare healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner for $10 a day (per person). We trekked to the farmer's market and purchased all of our ingredients.
It was a hectic day of cooking. Since I'm not too gifted in the cooking department, I got to bake dessert. In the end, it went rather smoothly... we only had one tiny problem. We forgot to buy/make dinner.